Miscellaneous Packaging Adventures

So, I have a bunch of old games and other content which no longer had packaging after several decades and cross-country moves. At first I just prioritized finding the files and doing the original packaging, but then I found cassette cases for Gameboy games as an option, and started getting more artsy from there.

I also got very into trying to save, or update old movies or media that never had a release after VHS, which led me down a whole rabbit hole of arranging old media for modern formats. I broadly call both of these things "packaging" and have 'em all stored here.

  1. BluRay Packaging
  2. Gameboy Cassette Cases
  3. Sega Saturn Jewel Cases

Putting media on BluRay

So, the impetus for this was entirely based around Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals, which is a four episode OVA that follows the descendents of the heroes from Final Fantasy V. I watched it a lot on VHS as a kid, and apparently it never got re-released on anythng else. Luckily, some folks did a very good job digitizing it and uploaded both the Japanese and English versions up on archive.org. But, I wanted to have my own version, so I went about making a bluray copy.

As part of this I did make whole custom bluray menus, which you can find over on archive.org, as well as case sleeve art, and CD label art. I do also have a booklet, which isn't quite done yet, but I'll add when it is.

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals

Double Sided Case Sleeve

CD Art

Once I'd made one, I went... A bit mad with power. I had some old fansubs on CD that I decided to render, as well as the old 2008 Yakuza film based on the games, and I made a whole fancy setup for Tiger & Dragon, which a friend and I got very into.

Hundred Stories

Double Sided Case Sleeve

CD Art

Scrapped Princess

Double Sided Case Sleeve

CD Art


Double Sided Case Sleeve

CD Art

Tiger & Dragon

Double Sided Case Sleeve


Sticker Sheet

CD Art

Cassettes for Gameboy

Okay, so, I went absolutely feral on these. You can find every single one that I've finished here, but many of them are also posted on The Cover Project. It started out small, just doing games that I owned where I couldn't find art someone else had done and trying to match the official box art.

But then I saw a couple pretty sweet setups with holographic film, and I wanted to try that out. So, I made a couple slightly more artsy designs to use as a basis...

At this point I was having too much fun, and no longer had games to sleeve, but was still hungering to design more artsy unofficial cover art. And then I realized that Pokemon had an infinite wealth of high quality Pokemon art I could use as source material, and I kinda...

And then I became a monster.

Sega Saturn Jewel Cases

Nights into Dreams
